
Jupyter Notebooks for Economic Growth


This repository contains the notebooks I created for my Economic Growth and Comparative Development course.


  1. Introduction to Jupyter and Markdown (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  2. Introduction to Python (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  3. Introduction to Python II - Statements (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  4. Introduction to Python III - Functions and Packages (Notebook) (html) (slides)

Data Analysis

  1. Introduction to Data Analysis with Pandas (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  2. More Economic Data Analysis with Pandas (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  3. Working with World Development Indicators (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  4. Working with Penn World Table (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  5. Working with GapMinder (Notebook) (html) (slides)


  1. GIS with QGIS (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  2. GIS with Python - Geometries (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  3. GIS with Python - Rasters (Notebook) (html) (slides)
  4. GIS with Python - Data Munging (Notebook) (html) (slides)

Basic Economic Modelling

  1. Introduction to CGE (Notebook) (html)
  2. Dynamic Programming in Python (Notebook) (html)
  3. Faster Dynamic Programming with Numba (Notebook) (html)


© Ömer Özak (2022)

This code and data is provided under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.